Thursday, 10 February 2011


It is quite clear that Memento is a thriller, even from the title's at the beginning. The title's give the impression that it is a thriller because they are being presented on a black background in a blue font on the centre of the page. This gives the impression that it is a thriller because of the use of contrasting colours to the black background which could indicate danger. Memento has a different start to many pther thrillers and begins by showing the end of the film and then it worked backwards showing the build up to the ending. This works well because the audience are kept constantly on the edge of their seat and want to see why what happened at the beginning did and what caused this to happen. This is very successful in the film because the the story of what happened is slowly revealed always keeping the audience interested and entertained by the film. Another good thing about Memento that makes it clear that it is a thriller is the music in the background; this is because the music sounds very dark and mysterious which adds tension throughout the film, which is very effective and gives the impression that soomething bad is going to happen, because it helps to make the mood seem very tense. The fact that we do not know much about all of the characters is also very effective, all we get to know is what is wrote on the photo about them. This also works well because although we know what we have been shown on the photo, we also build our own impression of characters as an audience so we sometimes felt that you were being lied to about what is on the card and what is actually presented to us from all of the characters. All of the tatoos the main character has over his body also help to add to the tension because we do not understand what most of them may mean so when we see them we want to try to work out what they mean and why he has got them. In my opinion i think that Memento is a successful thriller because, like most thrillers do, it always keeps the audience in the dark as much as possible but still gives away some of the story, keeping the audience constantly interested. It also sets the mood of the film with the eerie music and dark colours which reveals to the audience what sort of film it is. The fact that is reveals the story so slow is very effective and important because it keeps the audience constantly interested in the film.

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