Monday, 10 January 2011

Conventions of a thriller

The main convention that a thriller has is to keep the audience on the edge of their seat at all times and keep them asking questions throughout it. For example, if we see someone has been killed or killed someone, the automatic response that should be created by the audience would be, why have they killed this person?, or, how did this person die? You also want to ensure that the audience will not be able to guess what is going to happen next, otherwise the film would not be a successful thriller, because the audience will not be in a element of suspense and will lose interest in the plot and the film.Also thrillers tend to not show much of what has happened so the audience stay interested, which is a very good convention of a thriller as if the audience are unsure about why something has happened or what the cause of something was then the film is successful because the audience are interested in what has happened.

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